Lesson 3.1.13 GAME– 10 Second

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Next, follow me to make a game device to challenge your concentration. Tie the tilt switch to a stick to make a magic wand. Shake the wand, the 4-digit segment display will start counting, shake again will let it stop counting. If you succeed in keeping the displayed count at 10.00, then you win. You can play the game with your friends to see who is the time wizard.


Schematic Diagram

T-Board NamephysicalwiringPiBCM
GPIO17Pin 11017
GPIO27Pin 13227
GPIO22Pin 15322
SPIMOSIPin 191210
GPIO18Pin 12118
GPIO23Pin 16423
GPIO24Pin 18524
GPIO26Pin 372526

Experimental Procedures

Step 1: Build the circuit.

  • For C Language Users

Step 2: Go to the folder of the code.

    cd /home/pi/davinci-kit-for-raspberry-pi/c/3.1.13/

Step 3: Compile the code.

    gcc 3.1.13_GAME_10Second.c lwiringPi

Step 4: Run the executable file.

    sudo ./a.out

Shake the wand, the 4-digit segment display will start counting, shake again will let it stop counting. If you succeed in keeping the displayed count at 10.00, then you win. Shake it one more time to start the next round of the game.  

Code Explanation

void stateChange(){
    if (gameState == 0){
        counter = 0;
    gameState = (gameState + 1)%2;

The game is divided into two modes:

gameState=0 is the “start” mode, in which the time is timed and displayed on the segment display, and the tilting switch is shaken to enter the “show” mode.

GameState =1 is the “show” mode, which stops the timing and displays the time on the segment display. Shaking the tilt switch again will reset the timer and restart the game.

void loop(){
    int currentState =0;
    int lastState=0;

GameState =1 is the “show” mode, which stops the timing and displays the time on the segment display. Shaking the tilt switch again will reset the timer and restart the game.

Loop() is the main function. First, the time is displayed on the 4-bit segment display and the value of the tilt switch is read. If the state of the tilt switch has changed, stateChange() is called.

  • For Python Language Users

Step 2: Go to the folder of the code. 

    cd /home/pi/davinci-kit-for-raspberry-pi/python/

Step 3: Run the executable file.

    sudo python3 3.1.13_GAME_10Second.py

Shake the wand, the 4-digit segment display will start counting, shake again will let it stop counting. If you succeed in keeping the displayed count at 10.00, then you win. Shake it one more time to start the next round of the game.  

Code Explanation

def stateChange():
    global gameState
    global counter
    global timer1
    if gameState == 0:
        counter = 0
    elif gameState ==1:
    gameState = (gameState+1)%2

The game is divided into two modes:

gameState=0 is the “start” mode, in which the time is timed and displayed on the segment display, and the tilting switch is shaken to enter the “show” mode.

GameState =1 is the “show” mode, which stops the timing and displays the time on the segment display. Shaking the tilt switch again will reset the timer and restart the game.

def loop():
    global counter
    currentState = 0
    lastState = 0
    while True:
        if (currentState == 0) and (lastState == 1):

Loop() is the main function. First, the time is displayed on the 4-bit segment display and the value of the tilt switch is read. If the state of the tilt switch has changed, stateChange() is called.

def timer():
global counter
global timer1
timer1 = threading.Timer(0.01, timer)
counter += 1

After the interval reaches 0.01s, the timer function is called; add 1 to counter, and the timer is used again to execute itself repeatedly every 0.01s.

Phenomenon Picture