Use makecode & sloth: bit block

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1 .  After connecting successfully, tap Home at the upper left side to go back.

2.Click the second category Create Code.

This is the interface of the micro:bit visual programming.

Drag the block and combine them together to compile the program you need.

3 . Click Advanced, then click Add Package:
Search sloth, you can see the package we provide.

Click on the package to add it to the project. After the package is added, you’ll see the sloth on the left side.

Program with sloth:

Combine these blocks with on start block:

After the program is complete, click Download and then confirm to download.

Before downloading the program, you need to press A and B at the same time, then press the Reset at the back side until there display Paring at the matrix, and release A and B to command the board to pair Bluetooth.

Click flash on the app to flash the program:
Wait until it is complete: