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When you purchase or use this product, please note the following points:

  • This product contains many small parts. Swallowing or improper operation may cause serious infections and death. Seek immediate medical attention once the accident happens.
  • Strictly prohibit use this product and its parts near any AC electrical outlet or other circuits in case of the potential risk of electric shock.
  • Strictly prohibit use this product near any liquid or fire. Keep conductive materials away from this product.
  • Do not allow children under 3 years old to use this product without adult supervision. Please place this product in the position where children under 3 years old cannot reach.
  • Do not store or use this product in any extreme environments such as extreme hot or cold, high humidity and etc.
  • Remember to break the circuit when it is not needed.
  • Some parts of this product may become warm to touch when used in certain circuit designs, which is normal.
  • Using components not in accordance with the specification may cause damage to the product.